Spectacles 2 (Nico & Veronica)
In September 2018, Snap released two more designs in the Spectacles 2 line: Nico and Veronica — inspired by timeless styles to inspire more everyday use.
As the lead writer at Spectacles, I oversaw language and branding across the campaign — including the official website, product packaging, launch video, print advertising, digital advertising, retail point-of-purchase displays, @Spectacles on Twitter, and educational materials on the Spectacles support site.
TechCrunch / Snapchat adds new styles as Spectacles V2s get used 40% more than V1
Inverse / Snap’s Newest Spectacles May Seriously Be Wearable Tech at Its Finest
Engadget / 4 reasons why Spectacles is the best unexpected gift of the year
The Verge / Snap launches new styles of Spectacles that look more like traditional sunglasses
Business Insider / Snap just introduced new $200 Spectacles that look more like regular sunglasses
Digital Trends / Snap tries again — Snapchat Spectacles 2 have a new look
Mashable / Snap's new Spectacles look way less dorky