In April 2019, Snapchat held the first-ever Snap Partner Summit — an event that brought together journalists, investors, creators, and industry leaders to get a glimpse into what’s coming next at Snap Inc.

It was by far the biggest, most transparent, and most public gesture that Snap had ever tackled by this point.

After some complications with a production partner, my team called in last minute to take over production of the entire event — everything from editing keynote speeches to designing speaker transitions to naming the individual workshops.

It was a dense two weeks. But the results were worth it! The event was a huge hit.

Amongst various other needs, I worked with a few core designers to write, storyboard, and produce four key press assets summarizing the event (featured below). These ended up being the most common way that non-attendees experienced highlights from the event — through articles, social media, and more.


CNN / Snap event debuted new strategies ... and a changed Evan Spiegel

TechCrunch / To stop copycats, Snapchat shares itself

Variety / With Syndicated Stories and an Ad Network, Snapchat Cautiously Opens Up

Digiday / From secretive to showman: Snap’s partner summit shows off a more open and communicative company

Vox / Here are all the new products Snap launched at its first partner conference

Business Insider / How Snap is racing ahead to prepare for a world after smartphones

Social Media Today / Snapchat Announces a Range of New Tools at its First Ever Partner Summit

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