Create yours at: Learn more at: New year, new you! Introducing our brand new avatar style: Bitmoji Deluxe. We've been listening and have packed your biggest requests into Bitmoji Deluxe. Give your Bitmoji a fresh look for 2018 with these new upgrades: Over 100 new hairstyles.

Bitmoji Deluxe

In 2018, Bitmoji released a new line of character design — featuring hundreds of new hairstyles, skin tones, and aesthetics — with the hope of allowing users to portray themselves more realistically and inclusively.

While working with their team, I counseled some changes in the app itself — such as starting with a fantastical gray skin tone instead of real-life “white skin tone” by default, and removing binary gender selection from the beginning of the character-creation process and replacing it with a more fluid ‘body type’ selection.

I also co-developed concepts and storyboards for the product announcement video, and the in-app rollout on Snapchat and Bitmoji.

These updates were acknowledge and celebrated by press around the world, who noted their Bitmoji's new inclusive design and how it “embraced the growing diversity of its users.”


Business Insider / Bitmoji, Snapchat's best feature, just got its first major update in years

TechCrunch / Snapchat enhances Bitmoji with 1.9 septillion avatar options

Independent / Bitmoji Deluxe lets users build more ‘accurate’ and ‘inclusive’ avatars for Snapchat

The Verge / Snapchat takes Bitmoji deluxe with hundreds of new customization options

NY Mag / How to get Bitmoji Deluxe, the new detailed Bitmoji